Steven Avery

Sending a letter to Steven Avery

Netflix Design Team

So, I came across a tweet by Kathleen Zellner — Law Offices of Kathleen T. Zellner, the lawyer who is working incredibly hard to prove Steven Avery’s innocence. It contained a few words by Steven, including his prison address if you’d like to write to him?


We only caught up with his story this year and have just finished watching season 2 of the documentary. It definitely is the best produced documentary I have ever watched, it is raw, very very real and heart breaking.

So here is my letter to Steven, which I am posting today.

Dear Steven

It’s only a short note but it is coming to you with love and best wishes. It’s only this year that my wife and I watched the first MAM on Netflix and we were astounded, upset and very angry with the US legal system. Then we watched MAM2 and we are delighted of course that Kathleen Zellner has taken on your case and she’s truly an amazing individual. We are setting the best intentions that Kathleen will have a major breakthrough on your behalf and is able to overturn the biggest crime of this century. We could see instantly the character of that disgusting man, the prosecutor, I won’t even bother to mention his name here. It is so clear to see what has occurred and it’s totally obvious what’s going on in the US legal system, just incredible. We’re equally disgusted with the whole Brendan case.

Keep strong, believe and remain focussed on the day that you will walk free again.

This is the intention mantra I have written for you.

“I am innocent, I am free and I’m living in joy and happiness”.

Just repeat this daily, either in your head or out-loud, it doesn’t matter if people hear you, they may wish to join in and replace it with the following sentence.

“Steven is innocent, Steven is free and he’s living in joy and happiness”.

Then move into the ‘art of allowing’. Release the thoughts of what might be, just focus on the outcome, not on the events, episodes, rumours and hear-say. Just keep focussed on that mantra.

It will work.

Wishing you a long life in freedom very soon.


It may help him, maybe not and maybe Kathleen won’t succeed, but this whole story is such a clear example of never giving up. Never giving up on your dreams, your aspirations and your goals.

Do write Steven a letter from you, help him to continue to believe that his life will be happy again.

Thank you!

Michael de Groot