On this page you will be able to discover a number of things.

  1. Showreel

  2. Some stills from previous animations

  3. Character drawing options video

  4. An outline of the creation process from start to finish

  5. Chalkboard Thoughts animations

  6. Cartoons animations

Sketch Board v1.1.jpg
Sketch Board v1.2.jpg
Sketch Board v1.3.jpg

Download the 3 images by clicking the Sketch Board button below.

The journey is relatively simple although if you are not used to storytelling, you will need to re-educate your thinking away from traditional product advertising. If you’re stuck just ask me.

  • Step 1: Wangle an interesting story out of you (the hardest bit).

  • Step 2: Help with the script (improve and shorten it).

  • Step 3: Split the script into scenes (makes it easier to work with).

  • Step 4: Dream, dream and dream some more about what illustrations would be great and then dream some more (the creative step!).

  • Step 5: Ask my illustrator what illustrations to draw (he's super talented). Client to decide on black & white, b&w with colour accents or full colour?

  • Step 6: Present illustrations in storyboard format (using google docs).

  • Step 7: Get voiceover recorded by a voiceover artist (pros are best). Client to decide whether we need a male or female voice?

  • Step 8: Produce the animation once illustrations have been drawn (production, my favourite part).

  • Step 9: Sync the animation to the voice (editing step).

  • Step 10: Add some background music (nothing too corny though).

  • Step 11: Send 1st draft for review (the scary step, keeping fingers crossed).

  • Step 12: Adjustments and amends as requested by you because you're seeing everything for the first time and then maybe another 2 afterwards (we're all human and like to change stuff).

  • Step 13: Render HD video and transfer via Box.com, to do with what as you wish (let's get this baby out there!). 

  • General: We can work quite fast, most production delays are incurred in committee meetings, best to avoid those 😉