
We All Have the Same Story!

Image by Wordswag - words by Michael de Groot

We all have a story!
We all have the same story!
People, things, places, spaces and times may vary
We all have the same story
The story started on a different date
And we’ve met different people and yet
We all have the same story
It’s why we are all human, we’re all the same
We all have the same story
We’re born, we meet our Mum, our Dad, our siblings
Our neighbours, our teacher and our bosses
We all have the same story
We’re loved, we’re hated, we love and we hate
We all have the same story
We suffer through fear and doubt just like everyone else
We all have the same story
We have moments of joy at certain times of our lives, but they are usually short-lived 
We all have the same story
We seek wealth and happiness at almost every turn of the day
We all have the same story
We rarely stay in the moment as our minds are filled with wishes
We all have the same story
We use substances to dull our minds and get highs that are always short-lived
We all have the same story
We seek fame and fortune, through our practice of some work
We all have the same story
We get to know that our work is eventually worthless as we prepare to leave this earth
We all have the same story
Our bodies break down, regardless of our efforts
We all have the same story
We crossover to wherever, based on whatever we believe
We all have the same story
It’s a sobering thought this
Knowing that we ALL have the same story

Michael de Groot


I’m no expert or even experienced at meditation but what I have learnt from listening to hours of the ‘10% happier’ podcast that trying to stop your thoughts is impossible.

The main trick is to find stillness in the moments between your thoughts when you’re focusing on your breath and maybe your body.

Another great tip is to repeat in your mind over and over the following sentence; ‘I’m not my body and I’m not even my mind.’ It really helps to drown out any further thoughts. I learnt this from Sadhguru.

But when thoughts do come up, just acknowledge them and let them float away and refocus on your breath and/or that sentence.

Small steps, small steps.

Michael de Groot