
Great Joy!

This is by far the longest scam email I have ever received. Worst still it’s almost perfect English and surprisingly my email service provider didn’t pick it up through its spam filters. I will be having a word with them!

Good day,

Please, do not take this message and information as joke because doing so is at your own peril / detriment. I don’t have much to say here but will make it brief and straight to the point for your quick action. I am sending this confidential message to you in private with utmost fear for my work, life and family.

More than Spam!

I received an unsolicited email from a company I have never heard of, called Spencer Humphries [warning — do not fill out their form!].

It was sent to my business email address. I have no idea who these people are, have no relationship with them. The subject line was, “Staying Alive (UK) Ltd — R&D Tax Credits Qualification”, which is indeed the correct company name. They must get the list from somewhere. See the main image below included in the email.