
My Mind is not my own!

Hugh MacLeod

It doesn’t answer you, yet you speak to it often

In the quiet times when nothing is spoken
You have a conversation that isn’t real

You believe words are being spoken
And none of it is really a big deal

Those words that emerge from the confines of your brain
Don’t speak the truth but you believe them

Challenge them, challenge them, challenge them!
Create new ones that serve you better

Nobody is in charge, except you, you don’t
need to believe a single letter

They say thoughts create things, so choose the right ones
You’re not in control, you’ve not even learnt them

They appear out of nowhere like aliens out of space 
Hunt them down, I would, but it’s all in vain

Resistance is futile you’ve been assimilated 
Your mind is not your own, they have control of it.

When you examine what you actually do
You will appreciate it’s just a matter of habit.

My mind is not my own, but who actually owns it?
Ask everyone else, they also have no clue!

Michael de Groot