Email Marketing Lists


Made a major decision, which is to end my courtship with MailChimp. I’ve flirted with Mailchimp for at least a decade, using it to send newsletters at first, then adding people from capture forms and in the past year adding new connections from LinkedIn and drip feeding them useful and practical information and it actually was. I did carefully think about what to share with my connections and start some engagement and some of it did work.

And I did all of this because the greatest marketers of our world teach us all to build our lists and then provide them with value to convert them into clients. I’ve always felt incongruent and at times very inauthentic with this approach and last year I decided to stop all drip feed practice completely.

My current Mailchimp account — no lists!

I had already stopped email campaigns but when MailChimp released free email automation, I got interested again.

No more, I myself do not like being on the receiving end of any email campaigns, so why would I do this to my contacts. If you’ve ever had one of my automated emails, I sincerely apologise, I was on my learning and growth journey.

Now with GDPR upon us in just a month, I felt it appropriate to divorce MailChimp. It feels amazing!!

Happy emailing!

Michael de Groot