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I recently interviewed Harun Rabbani on my Share Your Story Podcast. In fact I interviewed him twice as we ran out of time on the first episode. The second episode allowed us to go into a lot of depth on his expert topic, ‘decision making’.

I highly recommend a listen. Harun explained in intimate detail what it takes to become more conscious in making your decisions. I loved his insights. All of us look back at decisions we’ve taken and usually with some regret or doubt. Doubt whether we’ve actually made the right decisions in our lives. We also know without a shadow of doubt some of the decisions that have landed us into trouble, whether it be with our family, our work colleagues and our spouses and children.

It’s not easy to make the right decisions and as Harun explains decisions are just like any muscle in the body. If you wish to grow a muscle you have to exercise it. If you want to make better decisions and know that they are the right ones, you have to exercise that process too.

Harun explains many different options to improve the art of decision making and one of those is journalling.

I had never heard of this previously, so I am delighted that I learnt this from Harun. I started the same day.

The premise is very simple. At the end of each day, reflect on the decisions you have taken in the day. Identify one major one that deserves being recorded in your journal. Write why you took that decision and how it made you feel. I have to say having started this just a few days ago, it’s making me feel much better about my decisions already and I feel in such a short time more confident about the decisions I will take in the future.

One of the better side-effects of reflecting on your decisions is that you will slow down a little before making decisions, you start becoming a conscious decision maker.

Happy decision making!

Michael de Groot