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Week 11: 7 June — 13 June 2020

On Sunday Clair asked me. You appear to be dealing with all of this really well. Are you happy?

Well, I can truly say that I am actually dealing with this really well. Maybe I’m more balanced then I think I am.

Monday 8 June

So this next story caught my eye. J.K. Rowling who needs no introduction has been trending on Twitter for a few days. I won’t contribute to the debate as I’m not knowledgeable on the subject.


Today I saw that Jacinda Ardern the Prime Minister of New Zealand announced no active cases in New Zealand. Oh I wish I was living there. I have visited just the once but I know it’s where I was 100% at home.


So Matt Hancock, UK Health secretary announces that we had the lowest death toll in the U.K. because of COVID-19 since 21 March. But of course his gloating will fall down on Tuesday due to the lag over the weekend. It happens every week. That guy gives me the creeps. Today he told the world that he’s dyslexic and excuse for mispronouncing a reporters name. Unbelievable! I’m not sure why this guy makes me feel so angry. He’s so conceited I guess!

It appears that the U.K. Government didn’t publish any data over the weekend, interesting! Here’s that up to date data that came out Monday 8 June.

Tuesday 9 June

This is an update on Centivax search for a cure of COVID-19. I don’t like vaccines but I’m interested in antibodies.


Someone shared the banksy art on Twitter in connection with George Floyd — Black lives matter.


Someone also shared on The Dots the following question.

Will you join me every Tuesday at 8pm and take a knee for 9 minutes outside your home for George Floyd and all the black lives lost?

This sounds like a great idea actually, will it catch on?


Wednesday 10 June

Jeff Bezos as a kid. Who would have known that he would become the richest man on the globe.


Jeff Bezos

More statues around the world are being taken down and thrown into rivers. Wow what a world we live in now. The issues are not in the statues, they are in our hearts.

We watched Byron Katie, the creator of The Work, an amazing enquiry process into your own thoughts and mind and discover how you react to it. Here’s a link to her website, we highly recommend you checking her out, especially at this time. Plenty of videos to watch on YouTube or listen to her podcast. Enjoy!


U.K. could have avoided 25000 deaths if she had gone into lockdown 2 weeks earlier leaked report states.


Thursday 11 June

The weather in the UK is becoming more like it’s normal self in the way that we experience it during our summers. Cloudy with rain at times. I’m missing the warm sunshine from April and May.

I follow this guy who resides in the USA but was born in Guam, a US territory. He has a blog/business called Zen Habits. I first came across his work on creating a new habit with tiny, little steps.

He issued a very interesting blog post today, which dropped in my email and I definitely can resonate with it, you may too. It’s called ‘Anti-Fragility as we train to improve ourselves’. It’s a very interesting read.

So J.K. Rowling wrote a lengthy blog today in response to the outcry by Twitter, the media and social media in relation to what she said about trans people and periods.


Friday 12 June

Simon Sinek, is definitely one of my teachers. Here’s his latest views on an infinite mindset. Life will never be the same again!


This looks like an interesting article, not! Now they’re arguing about whether asymptomatic people can actually infect others. Some say yes, some say no, who the hell knows what’s going on. The article is right inside Medium.


Witnessed a load of construction workers, in different parts around where I live, wearing no PPE whatsoever. I guess they must have been given the all clear, been tested to be sure and all is well, yes indeed!

Sarah Cooper is a brilliant comedian and her lipsync Tik Tok videos are such a scream. Here’s a compilation video of her best ones and it includes some other folks, who I have no idea who they are, but it still looks brilliant.


Saturday 13 June

Ever since this pandemic started and after I watched the Netflix documentary Pandemic, I became fascinated by a company who were developing a global flu vaccine and since the outbreak of COVID-19 switched their attention to developing an antibody drug. I was fascinated by them because they have are not owned by Big Pharma, they are a small startup company doing everything themselves. Well they have indeed developed an antibody and had it tested at 3 laboratories and it passed with flying colours. Below you will can learn about their latest update, which was live streamed on June 12 via YouTube. They are about to make a big announcement on Monday June 15, which I will watch out for as well. Fingers crossed these guys will be successful, I would love it, if they beat the big pharma companies.


Learn more about Sarah Cooper and how she lip syncs Donald Trump, she is so hysterical!

and this her latest ‘how to water’…


Michael out…

Michael de Groot