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Day 60 — Friday 22 May 2020

Image by Wordswag

Today was definitely a strange day. During conversations with my darling wife Clair, I came up with an observation. It was based on what she was sharing with me and the attitudes of some people she was in contact with.

During this COVID19 period, it is going to be very tough for those who have become used to the habit of working to earn a living in order to do the things they love doing.

This year of course, they won’t be able to spend their hard-earned cash on that many things, unless you love having Amazon deliver non-stop to your doorstep. I am talking about trips, holidays away from the home. Of course some won’t heed the warnings and go travelling anyway, but some folks will stay put and that means the purpose of the job to earn money and enjoy it for one main purpose has gone, well for now anyway.

It means the purpose of the job has to change, you have to start enjoying the job, you have to appreciate the people you work for and you have to respect that for now at least you need to put more into the job, because there’s nothing else for now. Of course many people have lost their jobs and many are sitting at home furloughed, with money in the bank and to do what they please. But doing what you please won’t be that much either, so it is still a dead-end road.

It certainly is a major time for reflection.

Today we heard that clothing sales in the U.K. are down 50%. Now most will gasp in horror and many clothing companies may go bust as a result, resulting in a lot of job losses and that is indeed very regrettable. However it does show that we already have the clothing we need in our wardrobes and it shows that we don’t need as much as we thought. It has saved us from spending millions, we don’t have and causing major pollution on the planet in the process. Very interesting, I bet more stats like these will be made public over the coming weeks and months.

I came across this video by JP, which is quite hysterical.


I’m a podcaster and heard from Russell Brand in one of his videos that Joe Rogan a very famous podcaster is leaving YouTube and going to Spotify in September the princely sum of $100 million. Wow, this is major news, now I know I’m nowhere as famous as Joe Rogan, but nevertheless I’m in the space, so will need to have a think what I could be doing that will elevate podcasting in my world.

Here’s the article on Spotify’s blog.


Michael out…

Michael de Groot