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Day 59 — Thursday 21 May 2020

Spider at home in the bath — wonder if she knows what’s going on!

I am spending a lot of my time helping our student drummers get to grips with their broadband and WiFi connections, including my Taiko teacher. Often the workings of their equipment too. I have mentioned this before in my writings during this time, people are just not equipped with either the right technology/hardware, proper broadband speeds and understanding of their WiFi. Really it is a minefield.

I shared the post below recently to share a site in the U.K. where people can throughly check what they can get for their money in terms of Broadband etc. Hope it will be helpful to folks.


Then saw on Twitter this analysis of the USA epidemic in terms of if they had taken action just one week earlier, what it would have meant regarding the number of deaths. Very alarming indeed!


Michael out…

Michael de Groot