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Day 47 — Saturday 9 May 2020

Image by Wordswag

Not feeling 100% this morning, not sure why?

Last night, during my last walk with Pip the Dog, there were a lot of VE Day people on the streets celebrating and in fact I noticed several neighbours ignoring the 2-metre distancing rule and as it started raining they then started walking back to their homes, whilst walking right across the road and pavement, very slowly too as they were drunk, which meant I couldn’t get passed them. Aaaargh! Yes it was stressful, but I have no idea why it affected me so much.

I came across a clip created by MSNBC, which portrays perfectly how Donald Trump is a total disaster for the planet and the American people. I found a couple more clips, which I added at the end. This will have your mouth drop to the floor.


Today I spent completing the week’s of journal entries, some of them very short, it’s really tough to write something significant, but I guess it doesn't matter as these words are only for me!

Other jobs today, catching up with the Pivot Podcast with Kara Swisher and Prof Scott Galloway, which gives me a real insight in to the current workings of the USA. Cutting back a small hedge on the drive so Clair’s car can park easier and doing the ironing pile, not much actually.

Michael out…

Michael de Groot

ps. UK Gov stats: