
The 'Share Your Story' Podcast

Thanks for you interest to appear on the Share Your Story Podcast. To book your interview with me, please select one of the available dates/times below.  Allow one hour please and we will be using Zoom, but you have the option for a video version or not. I am really looking forward to having you on the show very soon. If the timings don’t work for you, maybe due to time zones or something else, let me know and I will juggle a few things around. If you would like to suggest a different time slot, just complete the contact form at the very bottom of this page.

To learn about the full Podcast Interview process, you can download the Guest Guide right HERE or another link will be visible after booking and will also be emailed.

The podcast is currently distributed across 34 channels, you can locate 13 of those channels via this handy link:, and by opening this PDF you will see all 34 channels in one handy list.

I estimate listener figures to be around the 10 to 15k mark, but I’m not into vanity numbers, just wish to provide great podcast content to those who are ready to listen and take action. I hope you agree!

Oh and if you know someone who might be interested in appearing on the show, please ask them to get in touch with me or they can complete the form below.

The ‘Share Your Story’ podcast are interviews with small business owners. They begin by sharing their personal back story and their business growth journey, often sharing challenges along the way. Then we explore details of their current business offering and the tangible benefits they deliver to their clients. The purpose of the Podcast is to inspire start-ups and other business owners.

Subscribe below 👇 to have new podcasts delivered direct to your inbox!

Or if you have a question for me, please do send it to me via the contact form below.

Michael de Groot - The Results Podcast

I’m going to start with a question, with a proud show of hands who has ever been to the cinema? Great, that’s everyone in the room.

I’m a Dutchman and I’m passionate about storytelling and the movies you enjoy are of course all stories.

No! I don’t have jokes up my sleeves, tell children’s stories and I’m not even a published author. I don’t even like novels.

We produce bespoke and visually impactful cartoons and animation campaigns, engaging audiences and giving them a unique insight into an organisation's story and value proposition. And now Storytelling Workshops too!

You are actually already the biggest storyteller in your life, so why not tell your business story in a fun way?

I also host my own podcast called ‘Share Your Story’, I’m a volunteer with Crisis UK in Birmingham, the homelessness charity and I’m a student of Yoga, Mindfulness Meditation, Taiko Drumming and Minimalism. Just my way of developing a more meaningful life.

The Results Podcast Link


