public speaking

Lindsay Milner - Meaningful Work

Lindsay is the owner of Silvern Training, and is on a mission to help people look forward to Monday mornings and love going in to work. So many people hate their work, and we spend too long in the workplace for it to be like that. 

Lindsay has had a very varied working life, doing everything from admin, volunteering, sales, teaching, training, fundraising, management and chairing a board of charity trustees.  Almost 20 years working in the public sector in administration and management, followed by almost 20 years career in the voluntary sector, including board level experience. 

Loves to see people develop their confidence, so that they can speak up appropriately. Takes great joy in helping people to enjoy a rewarding working life that fulfils their potential.

As a member of a Toastmasters International club since 2010, supports members in their public speaking journey, and sees at first hand how encouragement, support and practice makes a difference to confidence.  Meetings every second and fourth Monday at 6.30 at the Novotel Broad Street, Birmingham. Visitors welcome.

Loves books, especially personal development books, and can be found reviewing them on You Tube #abookinfiveminutes.

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Twitter - @silverntrainuk

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Bulling Speakers website – 

Miti Ampoma - Communications Strategist

Miti Ampoma is an award-winning communications expert, experienced English language skills trainer, author, journalist and coach. Miti is on a mission to create a global movement of game-changing communicators who have the skills to change businesses for the greater good. She wants to bring heart and soul back into the way we communicate so we connect as humans, rather than simply through a screen.

While advanced technology has significant benefits for businesses, it has also caused our priorities to shift. Rather than people being at the centre of organisations, the main focus is now on process and technology. Too many people consider communication to be a soft and fluffy optional extra. Instead, Miti argues it plays a crucial role in the success of a business, both in terms of its finances and corporate social responsibility.

Known as the Mary Poppins of the C-Suite, Miti’s kind but firm manner and ability to interact with people from all walks of life and bring them together to communicate effectively again, has helped to transform businesses across the world in a way that has been described as ‘magic’.

Her Innovative Communicator courses help to transform feelings of dread and drudgery of work into optimism and enthusiasm, so that workers at all levels start each day filled with joy. ​From the boardroom to the frontline, her no-nonsense approach means she is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get stuck in! For businesses to succeed the employees within them need to deliver the mission and direction that is set in the boardroom. Communication is key to galvanise, inspire and bring employees together to achieve this mission.

Miti has broad experience, including 20 years working with FTSE 100 companies. She has seen communication at its best and its worst. As a result, she understands the value of effective communication and the direct impact it has on a company’s bottom line. Indeed, Miti is one of the most sought-after and respected communicators in the industry. Her five star reviewed book, ​The Innovative Communicator: Putting the soul back into business communication​, has had a real influence on the business community.

In her own words: “​Great communication means great business these days. Bad communication is bad business all days!​

Miti Ampoma focuses on working with people from the bottom to the top to help them:

1. Unlock the ‘innovative communication’ skills in leadership teams

In 2006, Miti combined her extensive knowledge to launch Miticom. The goal of which is to deliver innovative communicator training in a no-nonsense, accessible and deeply human way. This training helps put people back at the heart of organisations from where they can drive performance and create sustainable financial growth.

Living in a complex, fast-changing and fiercely competitive arena, businesses can’t afford to lose their edge simply because they don’t value their most important resource: their people. Miti’s training shows leaders how to use the positive power of communication to generate lasting success with integrity and humanity and drive global business change.

2. Share her expertise through a brand new communication training programme

Miticom has recently launched its Innovative Communicator Accelerator Programme (ICAP). Miti says, ​‘Innovative Communication is not a function, something you delegate to your human resources or communications team. It’s when you have the qualities you need to lead with confidence and drive growth. It’s how you set the style and tone for communication at every level across your whole business. It’s how you connect with people, create loyalty and build relationships. And it’s how you encourage others to do the same.’

ICAP is designed to help leaders and managers create the change they need to put people back at the heart of their business. It will help them communicate with humanity, integrity and soul. And it will help them create the conditions their business needs to enjoy sustainable growth, performance and profitability.

3. Understands the importance of communication on a global scale

We are living firmly in the age of globalisation. This, coupled with advances in technology, is creating an international workforce. Therefore, the value and significance of cross-cultural understanding is increasing, along with the need to master English, as the global language of business.

Miti’s international experience, both professionally and in her personal life, means she understands that effective communication depends on much more than just a knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. She teaches international leaders to recognise cultural differences and communicate in English as easily and with as much impact as they do in their native language.

Miti spent her childhood in both the UK and Ghana and is extremely proud to have dual nationality. As a young adult, she lived in many different countries. These early experiences sparked a lifelong love of travel and desire to get to know people and amass friends wherever she goes. This worldwide experience has helped Miti in improving business communication on an international scale.

Aged 40, Miti trained as an actor, but ultimately decided not to pursue it as a career. Although, her love of the arts still very much impacts her life today as it refreshes her mind, and sparks new ideas. She uses this training and influence in her work, which you can see in her presenting style and love of a good story.

Another love - broadcast communication - saw Miti pursue a career in television, where she worked for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, first as a journalist and then as a producer and director of documentaries. Later, she went on to lead communication and change programmes for a number of global corporations including household names such as Aviva and Lloyds Banking Group.

Miti has also worked as a cleaner, kitchen hand and massage therapist, but these are stories for another day!

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Friday Challenge: #mitifridaychallenge

Chris Denny - Attention to Detail


Chris Denny is a researcher, trainer, consultant, and business owner. When he is not running a business or spending time with his family, he is researching attention to detail or helping others become more detail-oriented. 

Chris delivers training workshops and seminars for companies and government organizations and conducts one on one coaching for high-value employees. Attention To Detail training is available via online courses. 

The seed of Attention To Detail Solutions started in 2010 when Chris had an employee who was technically strong and generally valuable aside from his low attention to detail. After searching for a book or training and finding nothing that would help, Chris started to create something that could help. He had inadvertently found a passion and after 6 years of exhaustive research, hundreds of surveys, and dozens of interviews, Chris emerged with the Attention To Detail Training™ system. 




Harry Snell - Shredding for my Wedding

Harry help’s women who are struggling with their weight loss develop the skills and healthy habits to finally achieve the body of their dreams, but more importantly, gain extra confidence, happiness and fulfilment in their lives. 

His tailored online program helps his clients drop up to 2 stone over a 12-week period, but more importantly sets them up for a future healthy lifestyle instead of just being a quick-fix.

‘Shredding For My Wedding’ is an online community and online coaching group that helps brides lose up to 2 dress sizes before their wedding day.

Instagram:  and


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Shredding for my Wedding Group:




Yonason Goldson - Ethical Affluence

After graduating from the University of California, Yonason Goldson embarked on an adventure hitchhiking across the United States and backpacking across Europe.  He ended up in Israel, where he spent nine years studying the ancient wisdom of the land, then spent the next 23 years teaching it to high school students in Budapest, Hungary, Atlanta, GA, and St. Louis, MO, where he and his wife live happily as empty-nesters. 

As director of Ethical Imperatives, LLC, Rabbi Goldson is now a platform speaker teaching professionals why good ethics is good business.  He is a TEDx speaker and author of five books including:

Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages

Fix your Broken Windows: a 12-step system for promoting ethical affluence

Dawn to Destiny: Exploring Jewish History and its Hidden Wisdom

Visit him at:
