

The latest algorithm scam is running riot on Facebook at the moment.

If you are asking your connections to like or comment on your post, you are obviously ensuring that they will see more of your posts in their newsfeed. The more you engage with someone’s content the more, in theory, content of theirs you will see.

I appreciate you know and understand this, so when you are posting messages like the one below, you are a scammer. You are trying to dupe your connections in believing that more of their content will be visible to you. That’s a massive untruth!

Latest Facebook scam text:

So this would explain why I now rarely see posts from so many close buddies… Not that I don’t totally love ‘the same 25 people (I do see) over and over,’ but I miss seeing everyone else too… So please please please can I ask you to do as the message below suggests (which I’ve just copied and pasted), so then hopefully we can see more of each other and I will remain smiley 😬💗.

Some wonder why our news feed seems so different recently: we only see posts from the same 25 people over and over. We only see 10 % at all. Yes, Facebook has a new algorithm! So, I’m asking you, could you do me a quick favour? If you read this post, leave me a quick “hi”, like, leave a comment, so more friends will be posted in my news feed. Otherwise Facebook chooses who I see and I don’t need FB to choose my friends! Don’t hesitate to copy and paste this message on your wall so you can have more interaction with your friends too! Please do this I want to see what you’re up to!

Either you are being duped by your connections, following their actions like a sheep 🐑 or you are scamming on purpose, which is it going to be?

Stop scamming!

Michael de Groot


So Facebook have changed their algorithm again and the world is up in arms. Regular users are raising their arms in celebration and those with business pages are raising their arms in anger.

All of us who have business pages were promised a free business page to promote our business to followers for free.

And then things slowly changed for the worst.

Slowly our business posts stopped appearing on our followers newsfeeds. But all the trainers out there suggested that as followers rarely will go back to the business page, we must keep active and post at least once per day.

What a crock of s..t, that turned out to be.

My motto with Social Media is ‘expect the unexpected’, the fake news debate has given Facebook the best excuse ever.

Right, they said, let’s reduce the amount of business page posts to newsfeeds in case it contains fake news and that way we can tell owners of business pages that the only way they can have visibility is to pay for our bargain basement adverts.

Let’s change the forecast for Facebook ad revenue by 2020, which was $60 billion, just mobile ads by the way, to $90 billion.

The only winner for this change of algorithm is Facebook.

DUH, who else did you think was going to benefit, you?

Happy Facebooking!

Michael de Groot


If I see one more post on Facebook that says ‘I’ve just found out that Facebook has yet another algorithm’, I swear that I’m going to rage quit Facebook. Just kidding of course I won’t, but these messages are definitely causing me some rage!

The fact is all the Social Networks are changing things every single week. Have you ever noticed Facebook’s weekly app update with the following words:

‘Thanks for using Facebook. To make our app better for you we bring updates to the App Store regularly. Every update of our Facebook includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app.’

What is missing from that statement?

‘And we will also adjust our algorithm every week to ensure that we continue to maximise adverts for you and benefit our advertisers and also ensure that you will see more of those in your newsfeed compared with posts and updates from your friends, family and the brands that you adore.’

You haven’t been seeing relevant stuff in your newsfeed for years and now you’re jumping on the bandwagon of tricking your friends and family by asking them to leave a message on your post and you are also asking them to send that ridiculous message to their own newsfeeds. The crazy thing is that many are actually reacting to the request and guess what they’ve all seen your message! By asking those mugs to react to your post, it won’t mean that you will see more of their posts, it just means they will see more of yours, but then again that’s the whole purpose of this magic trick and you knew that!

Do you really know what has happened to you and why you are copying others on FB? Is there a slight possibility that you’re addicted to the network and that you are believing all the rubbish that’s being posted on there?

Get a life!

Michael de Groot

ps. Below is the real text of a real Facebook post that I see being posted on a daily basis. I only deleted the emojis that were interpsersed after each para/sentence. #OMG!

My apologies but it seems Ive missed births, marriages, birthdays and also really important stuff recently !!!

I was wondering why my newsfeed looked so different lately well It seems like I keep seeing the same 25 people!I’ve Just found out that Facebook has yet another new algorithm. So I’m doing a simple check, with your help.

Can everybody do me a quick favour?? If you’re seeing this, leave me a comment — just a quick “Hey” or your favourite emoji or gif would be great. The more interaction you have with people, the more friends will show up on your feed. Otherwise Facebook CHOOSES who you see!

Feel free to copy and paste to your own wall so you can have more interaction as well!

Thanks everyone and happy new year