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Vicki Moore - Professional Coach, Entrepreneur, Expat-Explorer and Author

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Vicki Moore - Professional Coach, Entrepreneur, Expat-Explorer and Author Michael de Groot - @stayingaliveuk

Vicki Moore spent most of her career as a corporate manager, leading diverse teams in both the US and Europe. For more than 15 years , she helped teams efficiently implement strategic changes, improve performance and achieve big goals. After founding and running a successful business in Los Angeles for ten years, Vicki pursued her dream of living in Europe. Now, she combines her skills in strategy, management and coaching to help others turn bold ideas into actions and pursue their dreams with confidence and courage.

After reinventing her life multiple times, Vicki constantly found herself explaining that everyone can pursue their dreams and bold goals, once they recognise the influences that block success. This led her to write Life Beyond Should in 2021. The book is a practical guide for overcoming expectations in order to embrace what makes each of us unique and confidently turn ideas into reality.


Available on Amazon (kindle for only $0.99 until end of August)
Vicki will be glad to send a signed copy of the book to any listeners who request one.


I have a confession, I was a rule follower. In my early life and career, I always did what I “should.”  It worked for a while... I went to the “right” college, got a “good” job, got married, bought a house and climbed the corporate ladder, just as I was expected to.  I had a nice life, but there was one small problem... I was miserable.  

Nothing I was doing was aligned with what I truly wanted or valued.  I was living the life everyone else expected me to and playing it safe.  Whenever I described the life I dreamed of, everyone told me it was impossible. I didn’t believe them, and I finally found the courage to prove it.  

I quit my job, gave away everything that didn't fit in my car (including the house), and drove coast-to-coast across the U.S. to start over again in California.  It was the best decision I ever made.  Since then, I have followed my instincts and pursued my dreams, even while people told me at every step that I wouldn't succeed.  

Here is what I would have missed... if I had believed people who said it wasn’t possible:

  • Living for 17 years at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world

  • Starting and running a successful business for more than 10 years

  • Doubling sales revenues during a recession

  • Living and working in Europe, and traveling to over 34 countries

In my corporate career, I managed training and development.  My job was to help people recognize their individual talents and use them to succeed. I gained experience in using a variety of methods to support teams in achieving results and maximizing their success.

Now I utilize that expertise along with coaching to help people take big leaps, move past limitations and significantly change their lives. I believe in taking bold actions, living great adventures and learning along the way. 

I am committed to helping people dare to lead the life they want, because I know it is possible.