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Week 21: 16 August — 22 August 2020

Image by Wordswag - words by Michael de Groot

Sunday 16 August

I recorded a video demonstrating the bOdrum, which I am using for doing Taiko at home. I love this drum although it may still be a bit on the load side! Have a look and see what you think!


The fall out from last week’s A-level results in the UK. Oh it must be so tough for these Teens, their entitlement for a better life continue. They feel let down by society. Excuse my cynicism, I don’t feel bad for them, they have never had it so good, sponging off their parents and the state. Best just to stay in school then and just have a good time with your pals


Monday 17 August

The Donald Trump story continues…


Tuesday 18 August

And it still continues…

Will the American people ever look back and realise their terrible error?


Wednesday 19 August

Big day today. My mother-in-law moves house. She’s 78 years old, partially disabled and partially blind, so it’s a big deal.

It was quite tiring, but not as much for me as Clair, who did most of the heavy lifting.

We then discovered a leak in the roof of an extension/utility room, which now has to be fixed, water coming through onto freshly laid flooring, damn!

Thursday 20 August

A light hearted view on life with a short Twitter sketch by British comedian Bob Mortimer.


Friday 21 August

Spent most of the day hanging around my mother-in-law’s waiting for the roof to be repaired, but nobody showed up!

Republican senator desperate to be re-elected suggest that donors should fast and use the money they saved from fasting and donate it to her campaign. You can’t make this stuff up!


Saturday 22 August

Jacob Glanville of Netflix’s Pandemic fame, did a Video update on his antobdy drug versus vaccines. My bet is on his antibody drug. Roll on 2021. This guys makes a lot of sense, much more so compared to anyone else on the planet at the moment, but of course that could change!


I’ve been in catch up mode this week and haven’t been collecting and writing every day like I had been doing for the past few weeks. Never mind must do better next week!

The great British holiday return continues too with many folks having to quarantine at home when they come back after the 4am imposes deadline today.


Michael out…

Michael de Groot