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Week 20: 9 August – 15 August 2020

Image by Wordswag - words by Michael de Groot

Sunday 9 August

The heatwave in the U.K. is about to kick in for real. We never EVER cope well with a heatwave in this country, our homes, offices (well, home of course is the new office) are not built to withstand high heat. All the warnings are that we need to be prepared for this to be a regular occurrence in the future. Well I’m definitely buying a air conditioning unit during the winter months, ready for summer 2021, that’s for sure!

Monday 10 August

Today the youngest stepson came for lunch with his new girlfriend. They’re off to Lanzarote tomorrow and will have to self-isolate and stay in quarantine for 14 days when they get back. Going on vacation (holidays) in Europe comes with a heavy burden for some. Not if you are not employed, just a bit of


Tuesday 11 August

A non-work day, instead I spent 5 hours in the sweltering heat (34c) working to clear weeds in my mother-in-law’s future house. Clair was cleaning the house from top to bottom and I was clearing the garden. Working with a wet flannel on top of my head to stop my bald patch from burning, I managed to get it done. The worst part and what took most of the time were those pesky weeds in between all the paving slabs in the back garden. Basically the back garden is all paving slabs, apart from one narrow border, which was overgrown with grass and weeds. My back was aching just a little after all that work, but the satisfaction of getting it done was awsome.

Wednesday 12 August

Today my hamstrings are NOT working. After all that work, I have caused more damage to my body then I realised, I’m struggling to walk!

Kamala Harris is Vice President!! I’ve been wishing for her to be the President and was majorly disappointed that she pulled out. Now she’s Vice President, which means one day she will definitely be President. I’m looking forward to this team changing the world inside out.



The USA is definitely doing quite badly when it comes to Coronavirus, but hey ho what do you expect with Trump and his cronies.


Sarah Cooper hosted the Jimmy Kimmel show.


Thunderstorms finally arrived during the night where we live and they were pretty mighty!


Trump who has been signing executive orders all over the place every since he became president, protested when Obama did it. Ouch!


And here he is cancelling the election! Just in case, as people do believe this is really him, this guy is John Di Domenico, he’s an outstanding impersonator.


Thursday 13 August

Outstanding by The Lincoln Project.


And now he talks about lying!


Friday 14 August

And now this…

Face mask fines to rise up to £3,200 as England lockdown eases from Saturday 15 August 2020. The UK will also see a clampdown on illegal gatherings of more than 30 people — with those responsible slapped with on-the-spot fines of up to £10,000.

This is getting quite serious actually, would love to know if these fines will actually take place?

Jacob Glanville featured in the Netflix documentary Pandemic.


His company Distributed Bio is featured in the documentary for researching a global vaccine for flu. Since Covid19 they’ve been very active in developing an antibody medicine, whilst developing a vaccine as well. They are not affiliated to big pharma, so I’ve developed some trust in them. However I still don’t trust vaccines, but am following his progress nevertheless.



Nobody knew anything about it, except Trump and he’s now the expert.
