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Day 68 — Saturday 30 May 2020

Image by Wordswag — words by Michael de Groot

The big story in the world is the USA’s police murder of George Floyd. 30 cities in the USA are protesting against the treatment of blacks across the USA. I came across this post on LinkedIn, together with a video, which seemed appropriate for this story.


Furthermore Sarah Cooper on Twitter, does her famous lip sync of Donald Trump. Again I thought this was appropriate to share too.


Another hot day in the U.K. and I, delighted that our local ice cream van, Tony, is doing great business during this hot weather. He’s obviously very pleased himself, as he lost lots of money during lockdown, when the weather was nice in March and April.

And yes I have supported him by buying a large wager cone filled with soft ice cream and a flake, gorgeous!

Michael out…

Michael de Groot