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Day 54 — Saturday 16 May 2020

I’m a couch Formula 1 fan for many years and I support Lewis Hamilton, from the very start of him becoming a Formula 1 driver. Obviously the Formula 1 2020 season was about to start when COVID19 hit. I remember reports from Formula 1 suggesting they would go ahead and Lewis Hamilton was very much against it at the time. Well done Lewis for being a lone voice at the time. So of course no Formula 1 season as such. But, what I did find by accident is a brilliant series on Netflix, titled drive to survive. I started watching series one last Sunday and I’ve just started on series two. It’s a brilliant insight documentary into the lives of the drivers and the teams, including the principals in charge of the teams. Many clips and highlights of the races and brilliant quality of filming. If you are a Formula 1 fan you will definitely enjoy this series. Check out “Formula 1: Drive to Survive” on Netflix

Saturday is becoming a day for chores and mainly because Clair goes to her Mum’s to do her cleaning for her as she has to be shielded as she is in the vulnerable category.

I also spent quite a bit of time, Taiko drumming practice, seeing as we learnt two new songs last week. It’s quite interesting to practice two new songs and they haven’t as yet become muscle memory, so definitely I need to do a lot more practice.

I’m noticing the weather in the U.K. has been very dry, is this just a coincidence or is it because we have less pollution in the air from air traffic and car traffic? We will probably never know.

Below is the U.K. Gov Data for today. One thing to note is that by the 1st May, the Office for National Statistics reports that deaths in the U.K. were actually 9,082 higher compared to the figures by the Department for Health and Social Care. So every time we’re being told that the figure is x which is 34,500 at the moment, you might as well add at least 10,000 to that figure. I’ve said previously we’ve just become immune to the amount of people that are dyeing each day. I clearly remember that when we heard of the amount of deaths in Italy and Spain we gasped and now we become more interested in getting back to ‘normal’, whatever that ‘normal’ might be.

Michael out…

Michael de Groot