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Day 44 — Wednesday 6 May 2020

Image by Wordswag

Oh wow, I know it’s getting repetitive now, it was another full on day with Taiko West, Japanese Taiko Drumming in the U.K.

First assisting one of the attendees with their technology issues.

I must say I’ve learned that people’s Tech/IT knowledge is really quite bad. Going online for people has been a real challenge. It’s not just the online bit most folks don’t even understand their own computers let alone their broadband speed and WiFi connnections.

Oh wow it’s a real mess and

We did another two classes so finished quite late again, 8.30pm.

Next week less pressure hopefully with just 3 classes throughout the week.

I’m not spending much time on my own business and my prospects/clients are on a massive go-slow at the moment, hopefully they’ll wake up from their slumber.

Michael out…

Michael de Groot

ps. UK Gov stats: