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Day 28 — Monday 20 April 2020

A very very crowded dog walking episode this morning when taking ‘Pip the Dog’ out. It was as if everyone decided they needed exercise after sitting on their butts over the weekend.

If you have read any of my previous journal entries, you will know that ‘Pip the Dog’ doesn’t do that well with other dogs and the annoying thing is, where I walk with her across fields the other dog walkers, let theirs off the lead. And poor Pip stays on the lead. So every time I see another dog walker I have to turn into a different direction.

Today was the big day in terms of going live with Taiko West online drumming classes. It has been 4 long weeks working up to this moment. Pretty much all day was spent on this until 8.45pm. I was totally exhausted, and I’m not even doing the teaching.

But we had terrific feedback from the students and they all enjoyed it very much. More to do on Wednesday and Thursday this week and then repeat the whole process next week. Thankfully the technology behaved, but James the teacher did have some technical issues his side again because of the sound quality etc.

Michael de Groot