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Every seen a hungry browser?

Hugh MacLeod

Probably not. More like an hangry (combination of angry and hungry) browser. Not hungry for your marketing content though, nobody cares about you. Harsh? But true…

Every marketer is out to put their stamp on the internet. To imagine this, let’s imagine a non-digital world, no internet, no computers, just a stamp, an ink block and a stack of paper.

And all she (he) does is go through that stack of paper at lightening speed and put their stamp on it, stick them in envelopes and send it to prospects. And the prospect would just put them in the bin.

My guess is that when the same marketers do this on the internet, they are just stamping everywhere they can, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube BeBee, WooWoo, Thingymedo etc.

Yes I was guilty, did it work? Maybe a little on Instagram, but I’ve now stopped all Facebook lookalike platforms, thanks to me cutting down and the excuse I’m using in relation to the Cambridge Analytica mistrust scandal.

Happy stamping!

Michael de Groot