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The world is angry with Facebook and rightly so. It may not happen straight away, but we may have seen the gradual and ultimate demise of Facebook over the next few years. It’s not just the Cambridge Analytica story that’s causing it.

Most people are realising that Facebook is a total time-suck. You lose yourself in the Rabbit Hole, never to come out. You stop speaking to people and avoid having real conversations that matter.

I stopped on Facebook, I haven’t deleted my profile, but maybe one day I will. My mind is so much better off as a result.

Down the Rabbithole — Michael & Josh

What gets to me now is not only the manipulation of the social media platforms, also the manipulation of marketers using those platforms.

I can now see the wording, the language, the videos, the NLP, basically the brainwash that’s taking place across the board. I’m worried for us all. Capitalism, consumerism, growth, GDP’s, nationalism, plastics, money, all of it is making us greedy, corrupt and wish to take rather then give.

A human wants to help her fellow human, but not at any cost, not telling her that I’m better than anyone else, surely?

That is what’s happening at the moment. When I read LinkedIn profiles I am astounded how people promote themselves as the biggest this the best at that, showing off awards, so-called corporates to have worked with, testimonials and also sorts of gimmicks, tricks and magic. It’s making me feel quite nauseous when I read them.

Happy promoting!

Michael de Groot