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I’m no author. I’d like to think I’m a storyteller but I’m more like a story facilitator, helping you to craft your best story and allowing your digital community to have a closer connection with you.

By far the biggest mistake I see people make is that they write profile summaries in the 3rd person, like they are a big celebrity and their agent has written a bio page for them. Maybe you’re a speaker and your agent writes it for you?

It creates such a distance between your reader, your audience and yourself, because it’s not personal and definitely does not create any sense of intimacy.

When you write a profile, bio or summary page about yourself, write as if you are sitting opposite someone, explaining your story. Of course share what you do in business, cool, but make it more personal because that’s the most interesting part of who you are.

Write WHY you do what you do, what circumstances, opportunities got you into what you are doing today or if you haven’t found what you wish to do yet, what is grabbing your interest the most, what aspirations do you have?

Share something personal about your life too, maybe how you have moved around, how that enabled you to see the world in a different light, what effect did it have on you?

Always write in the first person, ‘I’ instead of ‘She/He’.

Got it?

Michael de Groot